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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mr. Christian


Hear it all the time, "love the sinner, hate the sin"
I'm sorry Mr. Christian what kind of world are ya livin' in?
That bull**** you just spewed is just conditional love
and I know it ain't practiced by my God above.

Conditional love is not love as I recall
If you really want the truth, its masked hate, that's all.
Hate is not of God, no family value there
can't say you love God and rip my heart in midair.

Cause when God see's the pieces falling to the ground
he'll be the first one to catch my heart in a holy rebound
Before I know it, he'll grab me up for a good divine hug
look at you like "what'cha doin'?!" while my spirit's warm and snug.

Gotta tell ya Mr. Christian, God made me just as I am
and when you 'dis me you're givin' the Creator a mighty big slam
Seems to me God has a clue about what He's doin'
and is pretty darned pissed about this crap your spewin'.

Mr. Christian, I'm sure you'll doubt that God's my superhero
I'm used to people thinking I'm of the devil ya know
but when they look in my eyes they're surprised at what they see
cause behind my gay rainbow, is God's light in me.

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