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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Faith Knows No Boundries

A wise and wonderful woman recently said to me "Faith knows no boundaries". This statement has freed me in so many ways to explore the amazing possibilities of believing. Putting aside the rigidness I find in requiring myself to have a specific doctrine has changed me. My worldview has grown, my faith has become exciting again. 

I am frustrated by the need to see evil in different religions. I am sure God is frustrated in his children wanting him to pick sides. We are like selfish children wanting daddy and mommy to pay attention to us and to make us their favorite. How sad.

My parents communicate and relate with their three children in different ways. They have a different relationship with each of us, but love us all equally. My sister is a wonderful mother of two children and so my parents can relate to her struggles as a parent. They worry about her trying to be supermom and stretching herself too thin.  My brother, the oldest, is a very wise man. He is much like my father in that he underestimates his skills and intelligence. He works 70 hour weeks, yet still calls his mom and dad on the way home from work. And then there's me, the youngest. The troubled one. The one always trying to find her way. The dreamer. I always seem to take a bit more work on their part. Yet I have never seen a moment of resentment or regret in having me. In fact, I see them proud and encouraging. And in my brother and sister, I have seen no jealously. 

This is how we should be with God our Father and our Earth Mother. We should allow them to love our brothers and sisters in their own way. We should rejoice that they have a relationship with them and love them. We should drop our jealously and insistence that we must be their favorite. The hearts of our heavenly parents are great enough to love each of us individually. 

We must stop putting boundaries on their love. Knock down the fences. We must stop running to them as if to tattle on our siblings. We must stop fighting. Instead we must concentrate on our individual relationships with them. Spend time with them. Call them. Remind them that we love them for creating us and then standing by us no matter what. 
It is time to drop the labels. I am no christian, buddhist, muslim, or hindu. I am me. A child of my mother and father. I am their creation.

I am loved. Isn't that enough?

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