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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Parable of the Crawdad---The Complete Story

I went down to the waterside to pray and no words, no utterances, escaped my lips. I watched as the water trickled by. I lifted my face to the sun and listened to the water sing as it flowed over the stones the way a master pianist lights over the ivory keys. I felt distress that I could not speak to God. 

I watched as the tears of ages past that had now congregated into this stream continued on to destinations I did not know. I was unaware of where the stream went. Perhaps into the sea, or maybe, just maybe, it flowed past the throne of God. And I wondered if there was a chance that if my spirit rode the waves of this water through unknown  time, if it would find its way to God. As I started to place my spirit in the watery hands of the ripples, my eye caught the sight of something. 

It was a tiny crawdad. So simple and brown, with its claws leading the way as it walked toward me. I seemed so top heavy that it should tip forward, but it did not. I was unafraid as it was a tiny creature, and I waited as it crawled out of the water and headed toward me. 

"I have heard you are looking for me," the tiny crawdad spoke. 

Confused, I answered, "I have not been looking for any crawdad, sir."

If crawdad's could giggle, I was sure this one did. "No, my friend," he said, " I heard you are looking for God."

Surprised because I had told no one of my quest, I found myself speechless. The crawdad, sensing my curiosity, moved toward me, and turned sharing my vision of the stream. 

"It appears you were expecting something fantastic and magnificent....not a lowly brown crawdad." 
Finally finding words, I spoke, "God is holy and sits on a throne."

"Well, I do certainly sit on a throne, my child. Look around. Can you imagine a more beautiful throne than this that you see? My throne is not made of gold but of grass, earth, water, and fire." 

"But God should be like the powerful lion," I said, "watching noticeably over his pride."

"But child," the crawdad said, "You would cower under his power. You have not cowered one moment in my presence. You have not been afraid."

And in that moment, I knew I was seeing God. I wanted to run. I was terrified. 

I knew that to many, God was safe, warm and wonderful, but I cowered at the thought. I did not know if I should run or hide, so I ran to hide behind a nearby tree. 

"Wait! Wait!" cried God the crawdad. "Don't be afraid!"

Still shaking, but wanting so much to be loved, I listened from behind the tree.

God continued...."You were unafraid of my creation, but you fear the one who made it....why?"

"Because," I answered,  tears in my eyes, "creation is beautiful. It holds no judgment. It just is. But you, you demand perfection, and I cannot be perfect!" Quoting a scripture I recalled from childhood I said, "Be perfect, even as your father in heaven is perfect. You ask more of me than I can give."

"No, no, my child...I ask only that you be you" Thinking a moment, he continued. "Do you know what perfect means?"

"To be without fault, without blemish or defect", I answered angry and scared.

"It also means to be complete and whole in your own nature", he said, " know this wonderful child I created and be the best "YOU" you can be. You must find out who you are and be that person with your whole heart. That is perfection."

" is okay to be human?  To make mistakes? To be im...imperfect?" I questioned peeking around the tree.

"Of COURSE it is! It is your nature! The way I made you! Why would I make you human if I did not intend for you to act like one? Do I make a dog and expect it to be a cat? A fish, and expect it to breathe out of water?" 

"But what about all those rules and commandments? Its like Deputy God, waiting with a sin detector to catch this....don't do that." 

"Oh, Geez," God the crawdad said....."people say so much to say so little. Its so very simple. Treat all I have made with respect and love. All the rest falls into place. There is sin where there is no love. The light of love makes sin disappear. "

Moving from behind the tree, I said, "I want to believe you, but if all this is true, why are your people so frightening? They seem so mean, so judgmental."

"I can promise you" God the Crawdad said, "the people who frighten you, do not come in my name. If you see love, you see me...if you do not see love, you do not see me."

It made a lot of sense these things the crawdad said. But there was a bit more I needed to know. 

"So, maybe I want you to make me feel safe. Maybe I want to trust you. But how do I know you are there?"

"I am everywhere, little one. When the sun warms your skin, it is me shining my love on you. When you hear the bird singing in the tree, I am singing a song for you. Look in the sweet eyes of your dog, and I will be looking back at you. Never, ever doubt I am there. Where you are, I am, always." 

And in that moment, I felt the sun, I heard the bird, and I remembered how so much kindness could be found in my puppy's eyes. So in silence, I sat down beside God the Crawdad. And we watched the water pass and as it did, any fears I had floated away and was replaced by a peace that comes only from knowing that you are loved unconditionally, and I knew from that moment on, I would never be the same again.

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