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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Boom Boom Boom....This is my Faith

There are times when I sit outside in the symphony of nature that I feel the breathing of the Earth. I feel the pulse, beating. Boom Boom Boom. Almost like the faraway rhythmic stomping of a herd of elephants. Boom Boom Boom. The vibration matches my own heartbeat. Boom Boom Boom. The Circle of Life. The cycle of living. Boom Boom Boom. 

Close my eyes.......I hear the bird calling, the wind caress the leaves, the dog bark in the distance, the water flow over the rocks. I smell the honeysuckle, the fresh cut grass, the wild flowers. I

This is my divinity. This is my Divine. This is my cathedral. Boom Boom Boom.

I wish you were inside my head. I wish you were in my heart. I wish you could feel my soul. If you could only feel this. Hear this. Taste this. It is my faith. Boom Boom Boom.

There is a great freedom in knowing when the masses are pouring into houses of worship, in buildings of brick and steel, that to meet my God/dess I must only take a breath of air. The birds are the choir, the forest my cathedral, and nature my teacher. Boom Boom Boom

Interconnected. I am a part of you, you a part of me. The breath I just took was taken by a child across the world, sometime, somewhere. The rain that fell upon me today, was used by another thousands of years ago upon an open fire to cook someone's breakfast. The carbon dioxide I exhale will feed the tree outside my window and it will return the favor with oxygen. “A hydrogen atom in a cell at the end of my nose was once part of an elephant's trunk. A carbon atom in my cardiac muscle was once in the tail of a dinosaur.” (Jostein Gaarder) Boom Boom Boom

I have contentions with religions that create division, not unity. Those that find it necessary to put humans on a higher plane. That give them the command to "subdue the earth". Those that see Jew or Gentile, Islam or Hindu, Male or Female, Black or white, Sinner or saint, human or animal. We are ALL made of Star Stuff.

When one animal dies, its body feeds another, and what is left feeds the soil. That soil uses the nourishment to grow a flower whose nectar feeds another, and it crawls up the food chain that we are all a part of. The circle of life continues endlessly as death is never an end, but the seed to another life. As Einstein said, "energy can never be created or destroyed, it merely changes form." What was energy that created life millions of years ago, is still creating life today. Boom Boom Boom

 Within this circle of life we find cycles of life. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Birth, death. Day, night. The moon herself has her own cycles that determine the tide of our oceans as she pulls and tugs with all her gravitational might to pull the earth closer to her. It is the rhythm of life, and we all share it. Boom Boom Boom.

Rebecca Adamson put it beautifully when she said "All things are bound together. All things connect. What happens to the Earth happens to the children of the earth. Humankind has not woven the web of life; we are but one thread. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves."

There is such a tendency to have an "us" verses "them" mentality. Human vs animal, Mankind's convenience vs Mother Earth's preservation, Christianity vs Islam, America vs the Middle East. We are in a race for oil. We are on a playground arguing "my god is bigger than your god." .  We tear down forests, rip down mountains, flood the land, all which we can never get back. And we all suffer. Boom Boom Boom.

When we are divided, we find more reason to fight. Then we convince ourselves that our God gave us a holy war, so to prove our faithfulness, we much fight. Then we forget why we are fighting and make up new reasons. And peace never comes.

There is a term within the chaos theory called the "butterfly effect" in which a small change, such as the wind created by a butterfly flapping her wings, creates a larger effect, like a hurricane a few weeks later. This theory shows the importance of the individual and how strongly we are all tied together.

Believing this theory would bring a great change to us if we let it. To consider that we are in some way responsible for another, would indeed make us think twice. I argue that to lend credence to this idea , does not give me conceited self importance, but humbles me to be a small part of the web of life. Yet it also empowers me to feel that somehow, I can make a difference in this world and in this time I live in. Boom Boom Boom.
This is my time. I am sentient, I am breathing, I am in body form. At sometime, that which makes up my innermost being, lived, somewhere, sometime, as something else. One day, I will pass that which makes my body, on to be resurrected, recycled, remade as something different, yet still part of the whole.  I have lived, I live, I will live again. 

I do not know what makes my spirit, my energy. But that which was before, and is now, will always be. My spirit will return to the Creator. What will come of it, I cannot say for sure. I do not worry for I do know, it is well with my soul. Because I can hear the symphony of nature that I feel the breathing of the Earth. I feel the pulse, beating. Boom Boom Boom. Almost like the faraway rhythmic stomping of a herd of elephants. Boom Boom Boom. The vibration matches my own heartbeat. Boom Boom Boom. The Circle of Life. The cycle of living. Boom Boom Boom.  

The Whispers of God. Boom.

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