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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Creation is Starving: How Right Fighting is Winning over Doing Right

I recently came upon the face book page of Creation Museum. This museum's purpose is to prove that the Bible story of Genesis should be taken literally. This is the Young Earth Theology that God himself created the Earth in six literal days about 5000 years ago. The museum cost $27 MILLION to build and continues to grow including building a three story life size Ark to duplicate Noah's Ark as recorded in Genesis.

The museum was created by Answers in Genesis, a non-profit Christian apologetic organization formed to support the Young Earth theology. Its budget is about $13,675,653.

I have to admit, this entire ministry and its museum anger me. It is right fighting. Its arguing about whose God is bigger and even if there is one. It is supposed to be the anathema of the evolutionary theory and the triumph of creation science.

It is a waste. It is a waste of money, resources, time, and energy.

Proving the Earth was created in 6 days 5000 years ago goes no further to proving or disproving that the Divine exists. Why people are so obsessed with defending a god they say is all powerful is beyond me. If your god is indeed all powerful, your defense is unnecessary.

If the creation story is indeed a myth, it again does nothing to prove that God does not exist. It simply says that the author of the story did what every other individual and society did and has always done....try to understand the workings of the world. I am a firm believer that science and spiritual faith can co-exist. They are simply two different languages speaking about the same thing. LIFE.

It is this LIFE that we must make the most of. As much as I am a believer in science and spirituality co-existing, I also believe that we are all bound by a the essence of our creation and our greatest calling is to help one another. 

 “We are visitors on this planet. We are here for one hundred years at the very most. During that period we must try to do something good, something useful, with our lives. if you contribute to other people's happiness, you will find the true meaning of life.” 

~H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

"Religion that God our Father accepts as poor and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep from being polluted by the world." 

 ~James 1:27

When it comes to doing what we are called to do as Children of the Divine, it doesn't matter how the world was created. If it was 5000 or 5 million years ago, it makes no difference whatsoever. The only message we need to know is to "Love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself."

 It is like the picture of the missionary handing the starving woman a bible and she says "Thank you very much. Bible taste good." Words mean nothing without action. The hurting do not see Christ in this. 

And it is not only the Creation Museum and Answers in Genesis that has missed the mark. Every time I see a mega church, I see the homeless multiplying. While many churches indeed do good works, there is so, so much more that could be done if we would follow the teachings, not only of Christ, the Dalai Lama, Buddha and more, but the practice of common sense.

This need to PROVE God created the world in a few days 5000 years ago, is without common sense and shows physically starved, soul starved, poor in pocket, and poor in spirit alike, that doctrine is more important than them. 

God would be horrified by that. 

Please click here for simple things you can do to end world hunger


  1. While I am pleased to see my "Homeless Christ" being used for a good cause, he is a copyrighted illustration and the copyright has been cropped off. You can see the full illustration on my website

    1. Sorry, this was how I found it online. If I know who the artist or photographer is, I try to post it in the caption.
