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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Guess I had a Bad Day

I thought you'd never, never go away
That you'd be here, always, to stay
Thinkin' I still take your breath away
With our love, we'd always be okay.

They say that love, love conquers all
Guess that's nothin' but a bullsh*t call
Now you're gone and I feel so raw
I can't stand, but continue to crawl.

I thought I knew you, knew you so well
that if I looked in your eyes I surely could tell
when you were no longer under my spell
I feel foolish and face my hell. 

I planned on being on bended knee
to ask you again to marry me
instead I sit here quietly,
in a crowd, yet still so very lonely.

Guess that's life, let me say that it sucks
I've been hit hard with a major in flux,
The next decade was going to be deluxe
but now I find myself curled in corner tucks.

Yep, I'll make it, make it I will
but that don't mean that sometimes I won't feel
that I've been hit, hit in the grill.
But, like always, I'll find a way to chill. 

I'll be pissed, yes, and I'll be mad
and some days I know, I know I'll be sad
but I'll overcome and make my spirit glad
I'll not think of the love I once had.

Cause I've got to believe, believe in me
that I am more than somebody's throw away debris
that I am loving, and happy, and free
and I will resurrect spiritually.

Still, it hurts.

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