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Monday, September 27, 2010

Imagine....A Bedtime Story


Its in the forest....a quiet path....and the fields are nearby but it feels like we are enclosed in a cocoon. The sun breaks down through the leaves and touches us with its warmth.

At first we are walking along quietly and we think its just you and me then out of the morning mists comes the Father. Stepping in between us he holds both our hands and the peace of heaven enters us and then we realize Mother is there. We can't quite place her for she is everywhere... in the trees, the ground underneath us...the sky...the birds....and we feel her deep inside us. We are enveloped in the arms of our divine parents and it feels so amazing. We are safe... safer than we have ever been.  The weight of the world has been taken over by them for just a little while.

We listen quietly to the whispers of Father and to the music of Mother through all our surroundings. God gives us a message that when we need it He and Mother will carry us but we must know that we have been given a touch of God's divinity and the strength of the angels.  We notice somehow that we each have wings and can fly and God tells us that we can do it. We have his blessed guidance and the assurance that Mother will be there to catch us if we fall.  

So we try out our wings and realize that we are lifting into the heavens. It is by God's power but also by the power of our own heart. We recognize that by being a child of God that we can do more than we ever imagined. 

Father continues to encourage us to fly higher and Mother goes with us.  We look down to where we had started and we watch as Father disappears into the mist but we aren't afraid because we know he is there. We can't see him but we can feel him. We are connected to him and Mother with a divine connection that will never be broken.  It has been revealed to us that we are divine children....the result of the love of our divine parents.

So we fly off. First we take our own journey, but there are time when we fly back together and play. Sometimes we land and just talk and just be.

And no matter what, it is good and holy. As children of God...we are divinely connected and that will always be true.

The End...or maybe...The Beginning


  1. Come away, O human child: To the waters and the wild with a fairy, hand in hand, For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
    ~William Butler Yeats
