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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Vision of God

Image by Cornel Pufan

Whisper Creek was created with two purposes in mind. One was to encourage everyone that God loves them just the way they are and to inspire others to paint their own vision of God.

For far too many years, I allowed myself to be told what God was like. I was taught that we knew for sure who HE was because it was described in the Holy Bible. "God is the same yesterday, today, and forever" they would say, yet when I actually read this word of God, I found the God described in the Old Testament is a totally different kind of God than the New Testament. So I finally decided to lay it down for a while and allow God to reveal him/herself to me.

It took awhile for me to open myself to this process because the messages and teachings of my youth made this a frightening prospect, but eventually, I was able to do it. It was, and is still, very beautiful.That's why I encourage others to find their own vision of God. 

It is as if we are all climbing the same mountain, yet if we all turned around at the same time and looked into the great expanse, we would all see different things because none of us stands in the same spot at the same time. Perhaps I am standing in the sunlight and must squint my eyes in order to see anything, while you, standing in the shade can see a wonderful picture. I cannot stand in your hiking boots, I must stand in mine. So our perceptions will be different. Our interpretation of what we see will be different because our minds and our hearts have different histories and different needs. Even if I walk on this journey with you, you will see things just slightly different than I do.

God must be allowed to speak to his/her children individually. Without that, all we are doing is playing follow the leader and that leader may lead us in the wrong direction. God is at the top of the mountain and can see clearly in every direction. He/She will guide us as individuals, letting us know if we are near a scary crevice or are entering a rock slide danger zone. All of Humankind is walking up the mountain with no clear view of anything. So it is to God we must listen and to our hearts we must follow.

No one else.

Image by Lukasz Warzecha

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful and delightful!! Is there any sort of service, or is this a blog only? I love what you're doing. I love this message of love and truth. -Caitlin C., Age 17, Kingsport
