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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Opening my Mind

My understanding is so small,
I will never know it all.
So far beyond my mind's short grasp
yet I can't help but ask
I permission to know you well
An ingrained knowledge, an ancient tale
shared by all, no not a few
a need to know and walk with you.

A perspective from my mind's own eye
my soul vision, my greatest try.
You speak my language, my dialect
walk in my shoes, that, I respect.
Show me an example, tell me a tale
I'll sit in rapt attention, I'll really listen well.
The world is my study, always in class
continually learning, many questions to ask.

The sky, your chalkboard, on which the truth you write
and under the stars I lay, reading your words at night.
The great expanse, only a drop to you,
yet as limited as I am, you share it with me too.
A willing student, pupils open wide
embracing all you give me and taking it inside.
Teach me how to live, the secrets of the universe unveil,
I will memorize every line, and treasure every detail.

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