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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sweet, Sweet Silence

Sweet, sweet silence
no human voices I hear
nature speaking only in necessity
the fresh essence of the austere.

The stillness only broken
by the hum of the breeze
and my shifting in the clover
hiding in the shade of the trees.

In silence, the eyes focus
and the world opens that much more
the senses instantly brighter
revealing what we were put here for.

Learning without a spoken word
nature the teacher, the world my class
I let go of my pride in being human
and become just another blade of grass.

Melting into the earth
this human no longer a threat
witnessing their lives before me
God providing, and their needs being met.

This magical moment, 
greater than any sermon ever preached
because God needed no words
to show the greatness he has reached.

It was in my silence that I could see
and when my eyes opened wide
the great majesty of nature unfolded
no longer hidden by human pride.

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