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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Angel in a Fur Coat

This is us. You and me. You, so patient when I hold onto you so tight when I am scared and lonely. You, who sleep on my tummy and keeps the boogie man away with your growls. My knight in furry armor. My ninja puppy.

You know me so well, yet still love me. You have seen me cry a thousand tears, yet never get tired of licking them away. You resist your urge to play, just to sit in silence with me.

You know that I am my loneliest when sitting in a crowd. Since we were little, we have hidden in the corners together, you and me. Afraid someone would notice us, yet sad because no one did. Never belonging, always longing.

We have watched the world pass by as we found a way to live in ours. Humor in the little things. A bug that made you jump, a wet leaf that I slipped on. We played when the world was sad and was sad while the world played. But we were together.

You left for a time, and I thought I would die, not feeling you. I didn't breathe for many years till you found a way home. Although your body is different, your spirit lives in another such as you, and sleep beside me now.

When I was shattered, you were whole. Your kindness brought me back from the darkness so many times. You never judged me when walking outside was terrifying, but encouraged me to try, if for nothing more, then because you needed to potty.

I know there have been times when I have looked at you while weeping and begged you to tell me what was wrong with me. Why wasn't I like the others who could walk in a room without feeling like they had to hide under a table? Why did it hurt just to breathe? And you just stayed close to me until I was okay again.

Cuddles and Jamie

Every other I have rescued has been because you rescued me first. When I was unacceptable, even to myself, you accepted me. The unwanted, unloved, perfectly imperfect little ones speak to my heart, because you opened that channel so I can heal them the way you healed me.

Thank you for all you have been to me and all you will continue to be. I hope I have been as good of a friend and shown you the same unconditional love you have shown me.  I have always been afraid to let my heart grow too much , but you found a way to let the sun in and it couldn't help it. So I have loved and been loved.

Even as we both age and find a little gray around the whiskers, our hearts beat together as they did the day we met so many years ago. How I still am tripped by my weaknesses, and you still strong enough to catch me, I do not know. I just know it is and it always will be, for you are my angel in a fur coat. 

Ruby and Jamie


  1. This is beautiful, Jamie.

  2. I'm with Mike. This brought tears to my eyes - but in a good way.
