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Monday, June 17, 2013

...for that I am Proud

Pink sheep of the family
black sheep I am as well
stripped zebra colors stand out
though some say I'm going to hell.

Heart, often soft and loving
protected by a mighty flow
a guard dog in a corner
only has one way to go.

Teeth showing, brightly shining
a smile or a growl
depends on your intentions
if I bite or if I howl.

A country girl not belonging
in the city the accent seeps
no church is gonna have me
gives me nothing but the creeps.

A pagan who knows the Good Book
though it ain't used too well at all
beating down the least of these
is not a verse that I recall.

Maybe I'm a Jackass for Jesus
or maybe just one for me
but I hate when you bastardize the man
you say hung from a tree. 

God's most irritating dyke
sometimes quiet, sometimes loud
I am your creation, pink and black,
and for that I am proud. 

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