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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

God's Love Patrol

If I look in their eyes, I will see all their pain

if I hear all their cries, maybe I'll go insane

It would be so much better, don't you see

If I could forget them and let me think only about me.

How selfish can one be, begging to forget the lost?

We can only make a difference when we remember all the cost

One can't do it all, can't allay all the fears

but I could be a hero for one and wipe away their tears.

But if I have to hurt, Lord, let me feel the pain

if I have to bleed, Lord, let me bleed like rain.

Tie a string, God, tightly around my soul

remind me always to be one of God's Love Patrol.

Help me God to pick them up into your hands divine

Your love will renew them, and make them new friends of mine.

And they will pay it forward, another hero in your team

God's Love Patrol around the world will be more than just a dream.


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