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Monday, June 21, 2010

Walkin' the Plank

Walkin' the plank to prove myself true
a gun at my back, under me only blue
should I be full of fear, in the headlights, deer
or a champion for those just like me. 

I'll march bravely on this two by four
I won't beg for my life or to you implore 
but I'll claim as my own this prize of mine
you insist is a penalty for my crime.

I'll not only drop in the water below
I'll make it so graceful, I'll make it a show.
And the water drops that land on your bow
will be a prism window and you'll know here and now.

You have lost the war and each battle fought
cause the colors of the rainbow will have you overwrought
a promise that light and love conquers all
and that God will make the best when his children fall.  

He cries in rainbows, each tear emblazon
he can't stand the hurt, the constant hazzin'
so in his sea of tears, his waves rock to sleep
with peace at last for those souls he will keep.

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