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Monday, July 19, 2010

Climbing the Mountain

Climbing up the mountain
so high I cannot breathe.
You'd think from here I'd see beauty
but I can't see for the trees.

Step by step I keep going,
the grade just seems to grow.
I can even see the top yet,
how much further do I have to go?

I fight to keep on climbing
and I often slip and fall
How can I make it on my own?
I can't seem to handle it all.

Then behind me I hear a rustle
I shake waiting for attack.
And you walked bringing sunlight,
saying "friend I've got your back."

For a while we sat down talking
our different journeys became just one
for we determined to climb together
hand in hand till the journey was done. 

Then the mountain seemed only a hill
and through the clearing I now could see
there were many climbing before and behind
and many climbing the mountain with me. 

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