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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jamie and the June Bug

I'm not going to lie....I love insects. If it won't kill me, I will pick it up and inspect it until I'm cross-eyed. There is more diversity in the insect world than anything in human-land. Bugs are fascinating. Some have super strength like the ant. Others, like the june bug and bumble bee fly even though physics say they are too big and heavy. Some can jump so far that if done on a human scale would have us jumping several football fields. Bumble bees can make perfectly round holes in wood. I know, I watched them do it.

I can't help myself. I just think it makes the Creator so darn cool and creative. The Creator through evolution or whatever means needed, created these little guys long before science fiction had the chance to think of them. 

The other day, I walked passed the guinea pig's water bowl and saw two june bugs drowning. I picked them up, and one, who apparently hadn't been in there too long, sat on my hand for a few minutes and flew away. The other june bug must have been in there a while and sat with me for at least 45 minutes. It was a wonderful time. She (I called her a she since her name was June), took a while to catch her breath. She didn't move much for a long while. Finally, she started to stretch her cute little antenna and I realized they had 3 little finger-like projections on the end. Adorable. The coolest moment was when she turned toward me and started staring at me, cocking her head to one side. She wasn't afraid and I felt awesome. When she seemed up to it, I put her in the maple tree and she walked up the limbs and back to her life. 

Now I realize most people roll their eyes and say "Jamie...its just a bug!"  And I hate that. I hate the term "its just a {insert word here}." For far too long that term has been used to excuse abuse. Its just a bug, just an animal, just a nigger, just a woman, just a fag. I don't understand it. IT is something God found important enough to make. IT is God's work of art as surely as YOU are. 
I understand that there is a circle of life where insects become food for the animals who become food for us. I realize that there are harmful and deadly things out there that we must protect ourselves from. But I don't understand harming just because you don't LIKE them. And I mean that for bug, animal, or human. I don't like Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church who wouldn't know love and compassion if it bit them in the booty, but I will not kill them.

I am human and get angry, yes. Sometimes I want to hurt someone who has hurt me or my family, true. I will protect my family from harm even by force. That is expected and as it should be. 

However, sometimes we just need to look around and see beauty where we haven't seen it before. I have no problem finding beauty in nature, however, for me, it is finding beauty it humans who frustrate me so. That is my challenge. That is where I must grow and become more gentle. I know it is in me. The June Bug recognized it. A new friend recognized it who said she saw gentleness in my eyes, so I know I am capable. 

May God help me to grow to be a better person. The person that June Bug knew I could be.

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