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Monday, August 2, 2010

A Prayer of Divine Light

Father God and Mother Earth,

Surround me in your divine white light. Envelope me with your love, beauty, peace, grace and mercy, not only for my own protection but that others will feel your presence through me.

I pray that they will look in my eyes and catch a glimpse of your joy and acceptance. That they can see the beauty that I see in your creation, not by rose colored glasses, but with clarity that comes from seeing through holy vision that comes from you. 

May they see that, although human, we can reach into the heavens with our spirits and commune with you because we have been made by your hand with the same essence and matter of our sacred mother. May they realize that we are always standing on holy ground and always in your presence. And may we find comfort in that. 

Let us be vessels of your healing. If not physical healing, then emotional healing of those around us. If but a smile that lifts the spirit of another, inspire us to make that effort, oh God, that we will be the difference in that person's day. 

Help us to be continually growing every day, and be a better person tomorrow than we are today and were in days past. 

Thank you for those whom you have chosen to cross our paths. Bless them with many blessings. Comfort them in their times of struggle and give them a vision of hope. 

If we become so negative that we bring others down, stop us and remind us that our charge is to lift up others high enough that they can see you. 

We ask these things, Father and Mother, with respect.


1 comment:

  1. You are thought of more than you'll ever know ♥
