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Friday, September 24, 2010


Image by Xavier Manonelles

Eyes opened in the darkness
my prayer cross in my palm
I ask for those with hurting souls
God's gentle healing balm. 

And as I lay here quietly
in the darkness of the night
God's sweet calm envelopes me
and it feels just so right. 

In this peaceful stillness
when the world is most at rest
I pray to the Holy Divine
and ask a simple request.

That tomorrow I will awake
and a better person I will be
and that heaven's holy light
in my soul the world will see. 

For I am so imperfect
just a human with a dream
that I may touch those who are hurt
and that hearts will be redeemed.

And that someday they may know peace
for I grasp for it as well
but through my words and visions
a better story I can tell. 

And perhaps hope I can give them
believing that it will get better still
and if they hold on tightly
together, find it someday we will. 

I know its a simple prayer Oh, Lord
but let my life not be in vain
let my pain and struggles translate
into a holy love filled rain. 

And when I make mistakes
I ask that you will forgive
and heal all that I have hurt
and in your presence live. 

So as I hold on to this cross
in my mind I see a goal
I ask that you will make me
a peaceful loving soul. 

Image by Steve Schuenke

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