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Thursday, September 23, 2010

An Ocean Prayer

Image by Suriya Nuntasukhon

Diving into the blue unknown
the salty water all around
a quiet spirit envelopes me
in an embrace with muted sound.

Not all senses are necessary
for I can feel and I can taste
and I can see nothing but beauty
and all bad memories are erased.

The sunshine still warms me
as through drops of sea it shines
and in that moment it touches me,
it is in a state of peace it finds.

For in the water my soul travels
in the water my soul sustains
and the rest of the world grows silent
and drops all its heavy chains.

For Mother and I are one
no longer separate identities
but I rest in her blessed womb
now but one entity.

And I know that at some moment in time
I must arise for air
but until that time I will remain
embraced in sacred prayer. 

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