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Monday, December 27, 2010

Believing is Seeing with Your Heart

Some say seeing is believing. I say believing is seeing, only with your heart. 

We all believe in something. It may be a deity, a person, or the method of science and reason. Even the atheist believes. No one must prove that oxygen is present in a room before he/she takes a breath. We just have faith that it will be there until proven otherwise. 

The fact that we argue so intently about our beliefs is frustrating. We worry about what everyone believes and less about how it translates to life. We miss the big important picture by putting everything and everyone under a microscope. Its why we have tons of denominations within the protestant sector alone, because we can't agree on the little things. 

It seems to me that the end result of our faith is much more important than what we believe. How do we treat others? Do we show love or anger? Do we show joy or do we always complain? Are we willing to reach out to others in need?

What is more important, to live a life of kindness and mercy, or to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that God exists? Many would have us believe that one without perfect faith in a God cannot live a life of kindness, mercy, and morality, but they can. In the same way, a person who claims to believe in God one hundred percent, can still be a mean, angry, selfish person.
It is not WHAT we believe, WHO we believe in. It is HOW we LIVE that is important. 

The steps of our walk should be much louder than the endless talking of our beliefs.

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