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Saturday, December 1, 2012

And I Wonder....

Sometimes I look into my eyes
and starring back like the clear blue skies
is an empty shell, without a soul
and cold as the plains of the north pole.

and I wonder....What am I?

No damn emotions inside me to track
no footprints in the snow when I look back
just numbness and nothing, bitter cold
is that me in the mirror, am I growing old?
and I wonder....Who am I?

Here I am, hel--lo, I am here
between hell and heaven, I don't know where
just vacant and empty, an abandoned well
what can I do, someone do tell.

and I wonder....What do I do?

Its like an alarm bell sounded loud
and out dispersed this big huge crowd
leaving me here all alone
a sack of dry, dead,  lifeless bones.

and I wonder....Where am I?

Did I disappear? Am I in there?
If I am will someone tell me where?
And I cut myself to see if I bleed
to see if there's a spirit who needs to be freed.

and I wonder....How am I?

Am I hiding out in camouflage?
am I in some sort of battle, why do I dodge?
sometimes I'm my own worst enemy
what will it take for me to see?

and I wonder....What do I look like?

Will there be a happy ending? I can't say for sure
will there be a miracle, will there be a cure?
All I can do is try as I might
continue the battle, continue the fight. 

and I wonder....How strong am I?

One day I'm certain I'll recognize me
don't know how long the wait will be
but I know when it happens I'll make a friend
I'll hold her close, I'll hold her hand.

and I'll wonder...Where have you been, my friend?

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