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Saturday, December 1, 2012


Crawl in my dark secluded cave
its my heart I'm trying to save
I can't see out, you can't see in
while I figure what's wrong within.

And while I sit inside of here
I make like magic, I disappear
maybe I cease to exist
vanish quietly and safely into the midst.

But I still see the me that's inside
what hurts so much, what I'm trying to hide
and I can't make it go away
no matter how hard I try to pray.

I'm in a bad place, I'm in it now
but surely I will make it, make it somehow
I'll open up this small dark place
and clean it up and make some space.

Maybe one day when its fully healed
in this cave I've kept so concealed
I'll let in sunshine, I'll bless this place
and I'll allow your sweet embrace.

But until that moment, until that time
continue to love me, continue to shine
because your spirit to my heart does bring
love carried by the angels on their angel wings.

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