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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Good Enough: The Effects of Fundamentalism on the Heart

They beat us hard
with the book so well
yet the scars were inside
so no one could tell

They said "be good"  
you gotta do right
never good enough though
we prayed day and night

The years passed by
and we grew more f*cked
trying to be most perfect
by their rules of conduct

Twenty made us forty
and forty made us eight
and we couldn't even manage
to keep our heads on straight

Depression was our friend
happiness was our foe
after time had tic-tock passed 
there was no safe place to go

We got mighty exhausted
our gas was in the red
we didn't feel like livin'
but f*cked if we turned up dead.

Your book put us in prison
in solitary, a box
no hope to see the daylight
or other prisoners in cell blocs

So we finally turned insane
but you blamed us even still
we didn't have enough faith
in the one nailed on the hill.

 You wind us even tighter
and our hearts turn into gel
while you tell us we're not good enough
and bound our souls to hell. 

Finally we  make a decision
die here or take leave
you've killed our hearts already
and loving God we can't conceive

So while we lay in our caskets
six feet inside the earth
don't come to our grave singin'
about some holy soul rebirth

 Amazing Grace how sweet the sound
that saved a retch like me?
I once was lost, but now I'm found
hanging dead from a tree.


  1. Beautiful, poignant, and heart wrenching. There will be a day of reckoning. I don't know how or when, but there shall be. And many of the self professed righteous will have a lot to answer for.

  2. I feel this everyday. Your words-my voice..BB

  3. As I began to read this my eyes swelled, the story of my life in words only you could tell.
