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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Time Perception

Image by Time Love Memory

They say time heals all wounds
and time is tickin' away
but in my fu*ked up mind
its just one endless day.

The days turn into nights
but I just don't seem to move
its like I am stepin'
to my own weird groove.

In my mind if I think really hard
last week and month I might recall
but its only short images I see and
I can't make sense of it all.

If it were a fantasy
I would make it all feel good
but instead its like a nightmare
in my own little neighborhood.

Now I know there's been good times
my heart remembers those
but they seem damn distant
reachin' for them on tiptoes.

Time perception is strange sometimes
when you want time to last
it goes by so suddenly
and quickly becomes your past.

Yet when you are in a dark place
its one long endless night
and you are awake to feel it all
and you struggle with all your might.

Now I may not recall yesterday
but I have hope for tomorrow
and whatever it takes to get there
from time I will beg, steal, cheat and borrow.

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