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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Welcome to Mental Illness 101: Please take notes

I don't know why, or who, or how or where
I look around and nothings there
The world looks strange, its a movie screen
I didn't buy tickets, I want to scream

Don't pick me up officer, I'm scared and may run
don't put me in lockdown, I need home where there's none
No people, no talking, no noise, all quiet
lock me up, sir, and there may be a riot

I'm desperate for my safe place, you don't understand
I'll kick and I'll fight, until back on my land
On Pine Street I'm headed, and to Pine street I'll go
get out of the way and don't do it slow

One second is a million, one minute is ten
I got to get home, it can't wait til then
cause I will go crazy, already insane
ain't nobody's fault, got no one to blame

Its just how it is, you see I am broken
but its my life and I want it, don't want to be chokin'
but things are confusing right here, right now
my crayons aren't in order, gotta be fixed somehow

The papers I had that made sense a while ago
now my brain stupid and working kinda slow
I don't know what they say, I don't know what they mean
just some other language, just confusion seen.

My brain, it turned off, I can't find the switch
I'm typing from somewhere, now ain't that a bitch?
Dissociated and floating is what I be doing
not stoned, not drunk, just fucked, I aint screwing

In insanity I write, then I wait til the time
when some sense returns to my poetic mind
then I'll be normal, continue to try
I've given up asking why me, Lord why?

Cause some say its a curse, if it is what the hell
Its my curse to deal with, in my own little cell
its frustrating, true, but its part of who I be
so leave me to deal with the person that's me.

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