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Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Born broken was I , this I know
for 40 years of living tells me so
no one's fault, can't pass blame
just not right in my poetic brain.

Usually joy in my heart and peace in my soul
then my mind starts to crack, thunder starts to roll
then I am not me in the reflection of the mirror
I wipe away the steam and try to see clearer.

But all I see is a spirit that wants to be
someone to make a difference, even a small one, you see
Yet I can't seem to walk, at least on my own
but soon one day I will find that I am all alone. 

I tried to find some glue, and put myself together
to love my one beloved, is all that really mattered
but the glue dried out, and I just came apart
and now I lay here bloody with just a broken heart. 

You can never be unbroken, when the deed is done, its done
you'll always be looking through the cracks for a peak at the sun
I can only hope there's more good days than bad
and more days of sanity than days of going mad.

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