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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Memory in My Heart

A moment can change a lifetime
like the moment I first saw you
before I just existed
now I'm living life anew.

I suddenly knew what living was
too wonderful to ignore
I felt my heart beating with
the waves breakin' on the shore.

I know its time for you to move on
things never stay the same
but I learned the lessons you taught me well
and I'm so glad you came.

Maybe no longer partners in life
but friends through and through
but like the moon draws the waves to land
my thoughts will be drawn to you.

I'll be sitting on the sand of time
if you find you need to talk
I'll always be your champion
I'll always help you walk.

A moment can change a lifetime
but no moment will drive us apart
you will always be my special friend
a wonderful memory in my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my...! Jamie. That is beautiful!!
