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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Well, That's a Bummer

Wow, what a weird day. Found out I have stage one endometrial carcinoma. For you rednecks out there, (that's a lot of my family) that means cancer. Yep. Its in its early stages and it means a full hysterectomy as soon as possible. Hopefully after I'm spayed the problem will be taken care of and I will be cured. 

However, it is a bit of a bump in the road for me. I just found out a couple of hours ago, and I'm still in a bit of shock, but like I told the Lord, I am determined that my reaction to the bad news is going to be an example of his grace and for his glory and that people are going to realize through it that you choose to be happy or miserable. You choose to be a victim or a victor.
I'm a little scared I guess, but to be honest, my main concern is how to survive for 6 weeks or more without income. I am single, have a mortgage and take care of more than 20 animals that came from the rescue I ran in California. I know that my parents will be there for me, but its tough to put so much of a burden on your 70 year old parents. I came back to Tennessee to take care of them in their golden years, not so they would take care of me. That weighs on me heavier than anything. 

Like I've said before Sh*t happens, and you just go with it and make it the best you can, but I hate it when what happens to me effects so many others in a bad way. But that's life! Let's make it work.

So to God be the glory. Great things he has done, and great things he will do. I am going to prove to you over these next few months, that joy is a choice. That victory is yours if you will choose it. 


  1. Praying Jamie, I will get you some coupons soon.
    It will be alright. Auntie

  2. We will be praying for you! God is in control and He has you in the palm of His hand! Keep trusting Him!!

  3. Keeping you in my prayers- if anyone can cope and conquer, it's you. Clicking away now...


    Celeste, Truman and India
