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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Healing of the Earth Mother

Limping up to the Great Divine
knowing I had made it just in time
I fell to my knees though they were sore
from the tears and the scraps, the blood did pour. 

The Holy Mother, didn't wait for adoration
there were no requirements, no hesitation
she simply ran to her child seeing she was in pain
and gave all her love, with no restrain. 
Image by Kevin Williams

And she took me gently, my head in her lap
and said "rest my child...take a peaceful nap"
and finally I was able to let go, I started to weep
and I say "Momma,  promise my soul you will keep."

And she said "My child I will do as you pray.
You will live to see peace among disarray."
And with this promise, I fell into a restful dream
where I lay in peace among a simple stream.

The whispers of the water flooded into my soul
and I memorized them as if written on a scroll
and to my heart it was a mantra, an ancient chant
and it carried within the scent of a chamomile plant.

The whispers I knew were my Earth Mother's voice
and for this message I allowed my heart to rejoice
and all my senses focused on this one thing
and then I listened as my Mother began to sing.

I heard it in the wind, and smelled it all around
I saw it in the sunshine, and felt it on the ground.
In the earth's vibration was hope and healing
so I opened myself with nothing concealing.

Then all the pain and all life's agonies
raised up from my heart and into the trees
and then fell to earth and into the brook
and all the hurt my Earth Mother took.

And down the stream went away the pain
and up into heaven it became blessed rain
filled with grace, peace, hope and love
transformed by my Mother up above. 

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