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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Scuppers, the Sailor Dog

The story is about a dog, Scuppers. Born at sea, but raised on a farm, Scuppers knew in his heart that when he grew up, he wanted to be a sailor. All he wanted was his own little boat with his own small room. He found an old boat, not in the best of shape, but it had a hook for his hat, one for his rope, his handkerchief, his pants, spyglass, and a place for his shoes. It also had a little bunk to sleep in. It was all he needed.
In the middle of the night, Scuppers encountered a storm and was shipwrecked. On the island, he found a tiny chest full of tools, built a small shelter, and then realized, if he could build the shelter, he could repair his boat, and he did. He then sailed to the closest inhabitable land and started over. He bought the simple necessities to hang again on his hooks. He knew full well he could encounter storms again, but he was exactly where he wanted to be...a sailor sailing the deep green sea. 

In my life, I am not where I expected to be. My bachelor's degree in psychology sits dusty in some corner while I work as a barista at Starbucks. Some people may look at me as a failure. I have very few possessions. I struggle financially, I think twice about buying anything, worried I won't have enough to feed the animals and pay the bills. I will never keep up with the Jones'. To be honest, when I look through the worlds eyes, I can sometimes see myself as a failure too, but I beat to my own drum. I don't want to keep up with the Jones'. I don't want that 9-5 job that everyone else has. Like Scuppers, happiness for me is being right where I feel I should be, not where anyone else feels I should be.
I'll probably never win a nobel peace prize. I will probably never be financially rich or famous. However, if I have lived my life in a way that I can say "it is well with my soul" and can see that, like Scuppers, who found he could repair his own ship, I am capable of more than I dreamed, then I have lived a good life. If the few people who remember me, think positive things when they have hear my name, then I have lived a life I can be proud of. 

I pray that I don't let my days pass by without evaluating if I am where my heart thinks I should be and if I am not, have the strength to get there. May I never try to keep up with the Jones', but be willing to go against the materialistic flow, and find riches in making a positive difference in the lives of others. 

Scupper's Song

I am Scuppers the Sailor Dog--
I am Scuppers the Sailor Dog--
I can sail in a gale 
right over a whale
under full sail
in a fog.

I am Scuppers the Sailor Dog--
I am Scuppers the Sailor Dog--
with a shake and a snort
I can sail into port
under full sail
in a fog.

What can you do?

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