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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Exploding Heart

I tried not to wear my heart on my sleeve
but hid it away like it was on sick leave
but I found in doing so I wasn't alive
like I only existed, but didn't thrive.

So I took it out and dusted it clean
got it beatin' right like a new love machine
and though I didn't set out seeking love
it seem to drop right down from the heavens above.

And I took it and admit, I enjoyed it well
never knew my heart could actually swell
but it did and for a time it felt really good
much better than I thought it actually could. 

But then reality crashed my love affair
and it went in smoke and up in thin air
and my heart sitting proudly upon my sleeve
began to tremble, began to seethe. 

And then it burst in great alarm
and the blood ran thickly down my arm
and confused because I didn't die
I fell to my knees and began to cry.

I couldn't stop, I couldn't see
didn't know truth from a hole in a tree
and I begged for guidance to find my way
but no one jumped in to save the fucking day.

There was no happy ending, no magic storybook
and I sit here now and at my arm I look
and the blood runs down and I wonder when
my breathing will stop and the hurt will end. 

How can my tender heart cause so much pain
I didn't mean to bring down so much heavy rain
and now everyone is just treading water
and I feel like I brought on this massive heart slaughter. 

And it rips and it tears and it feels so raw
for the wounds that I caused for the hurt that I saw
and I ask myself if inside I am evil
for causing this mess, this big upheaval. 

Will I ever know, will the Lord finally say
I meant for things to happen and happen this way
will it ever be spelled out in my own stubborn brain
or will the words simply spell "you are f*cking insane."

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