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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Self Reflection

I went to my muse
my spirit confused
and said "please tell me what you see"

She looked contemplate 
up and down at my gait
and said, "silly, you look just like me"

But I shook my head "no" 
and the feelings did flow
because I knew this could not be. 

No mirror to stare
just me and thin air 
and I determined to disagree.

"In you I see calm
like of Gilead, the balm
a healing, breathing vibe. 

And I see a good heart
a pure work of art
and the spirit of a scribe.

But in me, pure insanity
as if in God's profanity
he fucked up when he transcribed

My DNA, crazy
was God fucking lazy
when he made me part of this tribe?"

And then she stood tall
joined me at the wall
and our soul's did connect

She whispered "you are broken
a little outspoken
and you suffer from self neglect

But you were made mortal
with a heavenly portal
and you need some self respect

When you hate what's inside
its me that you hide
like an embarrassing reject. 

And it is not right
this battle you fight
I am not your opponent, you see.

We are one spirit
this thing, you must hear it
I am not the enemy!

You run from my gaze
my love, in a haze
for you, its fight or flee

But listen to me now
I must get you somehow
to know that you are me."

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